Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hard Drive

While RAM stores information for a limited period of time for instant access to the processor, the hard drive is the place where data is stored on a more permanent basis. All software, from operating systems to word processors, has grown tremendously in size over the last few years. Media files such as MP3 and digital photos are big and require a lot of disk space. This has led to a corresponding need for high capacity hard drives where all this data can be kept. Hard drives in new systems range from 20GB to 60GB in size.
If you are buying a computer for the whole family, you're going to want to go for the biggest hard drive you can afford. All those MP3 and video files that people like to download can quickly fill a smaller hard drive. The less need you have to accommodate large media files and games, the safer you can feel going with a smaller hard drive. For typical office use, 10 to 20GB is plenty of storage.

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